Sam  Green

Sam Green

Broker of Record

HomeLife Classic Realty, Brokerage*

Toll Free:
1-844 HL CLASS
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Take the Shot


I play golf about once a week. Other golfers play even less than I do.

I also go bowing about once a week.  

So, if I don’t play all that well on the golf course or score poorly on the bowling alley, why would I get upset? If I don’t work on it, practice or at least play more often I have no reason to believe that I should be better than I am. True?

And as real estate agents, why would we expect the results to be any different? If we don’t meet people face-to-face, spend time communicating, how can we expect to project that we are comfortable dealing with people, resolving issues, dealing with objections, negotiating deals… basically being successful?

Wayne Gretzky said, “We miss every shot we don’t take.”

Can’t take the shot if I’m not in the rink and on the ice.

Can’t take the shot if I don’t have a hockey stick and a puck.

Can’t take the shot if I haven’t learned to skate.

Can’t take the shot if I don’t know where the net is.

Can’t take the shot if I don’t have the confidence to take the shot.

Take the shot anyway. I did almost 25 years ago. I didn’t know the market, didn’t have the tools, didn’t have the techniques, wasn’t too sure where to direct my efforts. I had no choice as to whether or not to have the confidence because I had a family to feed and no time to search for confidence. I took the shot.

But things have changed. Today there is an enormous wealth of tools, systems, education and support in the way of coaching and mentoring. There are only two reasons for an agent to hesitate or not take the shot… because some or all of these are missing, or because the agent simply is too scared to TAKE THE SHOT.

Sure brand is important, but more important still is someone who can direct and guide, provide ongoing support and help build your confidence. And that person should have the knowledge to impart, so what we’re talking about is experience. All well and good, but…

This begins with a deeper understanding of business.

You can’t make real money sitting in an office that promises you leads.

You can’t make money milking the family and friends for business and leads.

And you can’t make money waiting for it to come to you so you can write the order.

Salesmanship begins with the word “NO”.

Get out there and get a “NO”. TAKE THE SHOT!

Make a presentation and lose it. Fall on your face. TAKE THE SHOT!

Say the wrong things once, twice, three times until you learn what not to say. TAKE THE SHOT! TAKE THE SHOTS!

Take 20 shots, 50 shots, 100 shots before you TAKE THE SHOT that scores for you. TAKE THE SHOTS!

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose if you will be learning from the losing. TAKE THE SHOTS!

Here’s another great one…

“Success comes from Good Judgement

Good Judgement comes from Experience

Experience comes from Bad Judgement”


You get the point! TAKE THE SHOTS!


If you don’t stand in front of your coach and hit the golf ball/baseball/whatever ball, how will your coach be able to evaluate why it isn’t working? That’s what coaches do… evaluate. TAKE THE SHOTS!

Then get yourself a coach to help you figure out what works because of what isn’t working… for YOU!




Don’t delay. If not today… when?




“Hard work pays off tomorrow. Laziness pays off today!




Fear is a paralyzing force. Don’t let FEAR control you.




So by now you are thinking, “Okay. So, Sam is telling me what to think, how to feel, what to do, and it’s easy for him. He doesn’t have to do it.”


Yes, he does. Yes he did. Yes he still is, and Yes he will! Because it’s not about a single time or a single day or a single effort. It’s ongoing. It’s not about performance. It’s about a mindset. It’s about a way of living and working and relating and conducting and acting and reacting and being.


It’s about living!


It’s about grasping at opportunities, or creating opportunities, and then...


... It’s about always being ready to… TAKE THE SHOTS!


 Sam Green


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