Sam  Green

Sam Green

Broker of Record

HomeLife Classic Realty, Brokerage*

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Successful Rock Bank

Successful Rock Band… 4 Members:


You are the singer and the rhythm guitar

You have a Base Guitar Player and backup vocalist

You have a keyboardist

You have a musician who can do trombone, trumpet, sax, wind instruments

You have a drummer


You are the singer. You get the audience stirred up, excited (the Real Estate Sales Rep)

You have a base guitar and vocalist. (Your answering service)

You have a keyboardist. (Your front desk or admin in the office)

You have wind… (connections to lawyer, mortgage people, home inspectors, stagers, etc)

You have an office manager… the drummer.


So, why is the Office Manager the drummer?


Because the Office Manager has not one instrument to play… he has 20 or 120 to manage. He is delegated with the unenviable responsibility of keeping the beat for the group, of knowing which drums or cymbals to bring to life, and when to make them most effective; of being in the background and yet being at the forefront of all transactions big or small; of maintaining audience interest and participation even when the members have taken a break, and that’s not all…


Sometimes the drummer also writes the music and the lyrics. Sometimes the drummer is also the lead vocals. Sometimes the drummer (Office Manager) is the only member of the group who sweats, knowing that it doesn’t matter that all the other musicians are getting paid equally and at times even more than the drummer.


Why? Because, it doesn’t matter to the drummer that the audience doesn’t see him or acknowledge his participation. The drummer isn’t doing this because he needs recognition. He’s doing this because he loves to play in the band… because music is not his career; it’s his calling… because for the drummer, it’s all about keeping the beat and making the rest of the group look and sound good, and about making the group a success.


Say hello to your drummer…

Sam Green B.A., Broker of Record, Manager

HomeLife Classic Realty Inc., Brokerage


Bangity, Bang…  Cymbals Crash


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